JavaScript can change HTML content.
JavaScript can change HTML attribute values.
In this case JavaScript changes the value of the src (source) attribute of an image.
JavaScript can change the style of an HTML element.
JavaScript can show hidden HTML elements.
I bet you can't change this paragraph
A Paragraph
A Paragraph.
(extFunction is stored in an external file called "myScript.js")
External JavaScript Advantages Placing scripts in external files has some advantages:
Remember that JS and HTML are different languages. You can add things into a HTML file using JS, but you can do this in different ways to serve different functions. The first example takes two hard-coded values but later we will be able to use 2 variables for much better functionality, but as always, we will walk before we run!
If you look at the source code we have used the inner.HTML function to do a sum for us. The answer is displayed below:
For testing purposes, it is convenient to use document.write():
Using document.write() after an HTML document is loaded, will delete all existing HTML,
so it should only be used for testing. See below
where in the first block 5 & 6 are added, and in the second it displays on click:
Clicking the button below will replace everything with the number 12, until you reload the page. You must reload the page, it deletes the current text, it does not move on a page, so you can't use back.
window.alert() can be used a lot like print statements in Python to check if a code is running.
It should be your first port of call both when you write a section of code for the first time,
and when testing to see if code is working properly or where exactly the problem lies.
Everytime this page loads it will give a pop up window with the result of the brackets, i.e. 6+7 as entered below
Use F12 or 3-dots --> More Tools --> Developer Tools --> Select "Console" in the debugger menu. Then click Run again. You will see every thing in the script being written to the console log. Here I am adding the word "Cricket" and the number 55.
This marks the end of the first 4 sections on I will start a new HTML document for the next Sections.